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Turn off device dispersion and provide quality application performance

At a time of unprecedented technological change, IT departments around the world are focusing their attention on the challenges of equipment dispersal.

When new equipment is adopted, the old is not always decommissioned. Overlaps and wastage arise when new solutions are brought in and integrated to meet changing networks and security needs. Whatever the reason, before long we end up with repetitions and wastage. This is not a new phenomenon. But, given the epidemic-fueling of people in remote offices around the world and the need for efficiency in the face of scarce resources, it represents a growing challenge for commonly critical app deployment and digital transformation.

How do you know if you have an equipment spread? One way to identify this is to look for use cases that are slow, difficult, or nearly impossible. The answer to why it is sometimes found in equipment dispersal.

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A real concern for IT professionals

A recent global survey of 14,000 infosec professionals found that two-thirds of respondents are concerned about their supervised ability to effectively add multiple security technologies to their organizations. A second survey by 451 Research shows that the average IT and security team now uses between 10 and 30 security monitoring solutions for applications, network infrastructure, and cloud environments.

Why it happens - and why it is more important than ever to fix it

ITWC CIOI Love says, "The epidemic quickly pushed a lot of companies into the cloud and I suspect some were seen as temporary, and some were done with too many shortcuts, band-aids and balancing wire would have gone." Who regularly elects his colleagues on the subject. "Now that we are all searching for work, it is not a temporary improvement, the challenge is to revisit and improve those who work for stability, efficiency and safety with one eye."

Companies need to add or upgrade equipment or solutions to stay competitive and take advantage of the epidemic explosion in innovation. Legacy devices may have difficulty scaling to accommodate network development and new security threats. But if this effort is unmanaged, the results may be unbearable. We end up with a hodgepodge mix of leading-edge and legacy tools and applications. In many ways it is like an inefficient rumble of cabling and connectors. When you see it, you know the time to rationalize it and clean it, if you are able to be efficient and operate effectively.

"You need to pay attention to anything that underpins a high-performance operation and it becomes increasingly difficult to manage a mishmash of the system," Love says.

Results of dispersal

Spawl poses three specific problems. This multiplies the work required for analysis and commissioning of each new app for deployment; It creates limitations on infrastructure to accommodate new solutions; And it introduces potential network conflicts.

The right discussion at the right time

If we have learned anything from the global epidemic, it is that speed and complexity are table bets for corporate progress. Digital transformation is a no-more effort. The organization should be in a constant state of innovation and improvement.

Are you struggling to deliver on the product and customer front, while equipment stretches across the bay? If so, you want to join AppDynamics from ITWC CIO Jim Love, Greg Ostrovsky, and as a senior leader of Optimiz on April 22, they ramp-up migration, remote work and growing demand on IT staff as a result of the cloud Discusses Sprawl, and issues with monitoring, diagnosis, and troubleshooting.

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