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Valve says you're getting your Steam deck by the end of the year

Valve says you're getting your Steam deck by the end of the year

Valve's Steam deck has been in high demand since the time of reservation last year, but if you're still waiting for the order email to arrive, there's good news: If you have a reservation, Valve says you'll get your Steam deck. Will end the year. And even if you make a new reservation, as of this writing, Valve says you'll get your Steam deck in Q4.

"We are pleased to announce that we are going to be able to update our reservation queue sooner than previously expected," Valve wrote in a blog post. “Many supply chain bottlenecks affecting Steam decks are gradually being addressed, and we are ramping up production, so we are able to produce decks faster than ever before.”

Valve also says that many people who had reservation windows "in Q4 or later" have been extended to Q3, so you can check your reservation window (which you can do directly from the Steam deck's Steam page). can do what happens. You can check if things have changed. Valve has steadily ramped up shipments since launch: It began sending reservation emails twice a week in April, and in June said it would double the number of decks it shipped per week.

Steam Deck was rough around the edges when it first launched in February, but Valve has released plenty of updates over the months, making the handheld gaming PC feel completely baked-in. I'm honestly obsessed with mine and have written about the deck's incredible control customization options over the past month. And if you've heard chatter about a noisy deck fan, a software update may have reduced the fan's noise, and if you prefer, you can fix the fan yourself.

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