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VergeCast USB-C Holiday Spec-tacular

VergeCast USB-C Holiday Spec-tacular

Happy Holidays! Here's The VergeCast's gift to you: over 90 minutes of audio content dedicated to USB-C.

Every holiday season, we think about which consumer technology standard has influenced our gadgets throughout the year — and no doubt, 2023's favorite standard has to be USB-C. We saw the iPhone 15 finally switch to a Type C port, a glimpse of a 240W USB-C PD charger, a whole bunch of mosquito bite relief dongles, and a high-powered GaN charger. Although adoption has been slow since its introduction in 2013, we're almost at the point where we only need one cable to charge all our gadgets (2024 resolution?). So that's what this year's Vergecast Holiday Spectacular is all about.

The Verge's Nilay Patel, David Pierce, and Alex Kranz kick off the final show of 2023 with some conversation about the state of USB-C: the ups and downs of charging gadgets, the ubiquity of the cable, and what the future of gadgets might hold. Is to like. With ports.

After that, the crew competes in a few rounds of USB-C The Price Is Right, a game we created to show how confusing USB-C and its features can be. Nilay, David and Alex each play to win an awesome Verge swag basket from our merchandise store for a VergeCast listener.

David and Nilay concluded the holiday show with Noah Dentzel, CEO and co-founder of Nomad Goods, talking about how USB-C on the iPhone has changed their business, the challenges of making cables, and What tech accessory is he most excited about? About this? In 2024.

Thank you so much to everyone who listened to the show this year, we really appreciate it. Have a fun, safe and fast-paced vacation. We'll see you in 2024!

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